Copyright Law Is Just Plain and Simple

Instructions and patterns may be printed for your own personal use. Finished creations made from our courses may not be called original creations by the maker. Credit for the design must be given to the teacher of the design. Finished creations made from our courses may not be sold or published without the written consent of the designer.

What does this mean for you? Let's keep it simple: You can use downloadable information available on this site for your own personal use. These include, but may not be limited to the tutorials in“A for Artistic”, and items pertaining to courses that you are enrolled in. If it says you can use it, then go ahead, but may not reproduce, photo copy, or otherwise copy, sell or redistribute any of the patterns, photos, graphics, information, instructions or likenesses thereof, provided within this web site or its linked pages.

So, for example, if you register for an “A for Artistic” course, and your dear friend wants the pattern,you may not give it to her. She has to take the course too. Likewise, she will have to visit the site herself to download a free pattern. You may not use the information, patterns or photos within these pages for endeavors such as teaching classes, or writing articles without the written consent of the author and designer. You may not alter the patterns and call them original works. They are still the work of the designer, by law, even if you change them. The same holds true for all of the
information within these pages.

In addition, if you are selling another artist's designs, you must have their permission in writing to do so. All of the graphics, photos and copy on this site are covered by copyright. You may not download them without permission for any reason. Infringing upon a copyright is illegal. It's just like theft. There are substantial fines in place for breaking copyright law. It is also morally wrong, and insulting to the artists who work so hard to create original works. So please, be kind and abide by the law.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us. “A for Artistic” does not permit the display of items within this site or its affiliated links that knowingly infringe upon copyright laws. If you are aware of an item that infringes upon a copyright, please let us know.

Thank you for respecting the copyright laws. This will help us to continue providing you educational, fun and original courses!

Offenders will be permanently barred from “A for Artistic”. Please don’t let this happen to you. We want you to come back.

“A for Artistic” Copyright © 2009-2019

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